Keep Potential Customers Engaged with Your Brand through Video Marketing
Many Atlanta businesses choose video content to broadcast the most valuable and engaging information online. Videos are popular with internet users for the way they combine visuals and sound.
The importance of videos can be gauged from the fact that over 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds. Over 100 million internet users watch an online video each day. It has been predicted that 70 percent of all global consumer internet traffic will comprise of video content by 2017.
Check out the infographic below for more statistics on why you should use video to build your brand.
Online users love video!
Today, online users no longer spend all their time reading text online – that would be so boring. They look out for something better – such as short and informative videos online. In fact, 60 percent of senior executives in corporate America would rather watch a video than read text, if both are available on the same page, according to Forbes Insight.
Are videos really that effective?
Yes, they are! Having videos on your website ensures that that the bounce rate is kept low and people don’t hit the back button immediately on entering your website. People who habitually watch videos stay on a website 2 minutes longer on average than those who don’t.
Videos are seen on mobile as well!
It’s not just desktop users who love watching videos on websites. In fact, much of the internet usage today happens on smartphones and it has been found that smartphone users love watching and sharing videos online. 40 percent of the traffic on video-sharing services such as YouTube comes from smartphones. 92 percent of those who watch videos on their smartphones share them with their friends and acquaintances online according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau.
Use Videos on your website for a much higher Conversion Rate!
Hosting videos on a website not only lowers the bounce rate, but also leads to a much higher conversion rate. Let’s look at the facts:
- 70 percent of marketers felt videos convert better than any other medium for marketing purposes
- 65 percent of executives visited a vendor’s site after watching a video
- 64 percent of consumers who watch a video may buy a product
- Having videos on a website leads to 20 percent increase in conversion rates
- 39 percent executives have called a vendor after having seen a video
Use video marketing in Atlanta to engage your customers more productively.
Get 50 Online Video Ideas for Small Businesses. Download Your Free Guide Instantly!
The post appeared first on YEAH! Local